So far in our study we have established the necessity of a biblical world view. Understanding the importance of a God that created and rules the world can not be overstated. This world was created by the mind of God. It was established as He saw fit and He holds it in His control. I have no intention of discussing this again, but need us to have our mind in this place. Our love of God, understanding of God, and appreciation of His authority is based on this understanding. How we care for and view this world needs to be thru this lens. However, it doesn't stop with how we view nature and this universe as a whole. A proper biblical world view includes a proper biblical view of humanity. God was on purpose when it came to the creation of man, and we as His people MUST defend this truth.
Today there are many debates in main stream America and even Christianity that would be settled with a proper understanding of these things. We argue over the sanctity of life, gender fluidity, and many other honestly foolish things. The world wants badly to teach us things that are completely contrary to the word of God. However, we need to remember it didn't start at this point. When we allowed the foundation of who we are get hijacked by so called science it is a down hill run from there. As we discussed in our last study main stream understanding of humanity is that we are the result of chance and circumstance. We are nothing more than high mammals, or more directly a bunch of really smart and advanced apes. This removes all moral control and responsibility for the future. It leaves us up to be defined however and whenever it seems handy. The loss of this foundation has begun an avalanche that must be curbed. When we look at the creation of this world we can see His hand in all things in this universe. It was performed by the power of His voice, at His time, in His order, and by His control. Over and over it is said "let there be", and it was. God viewed His creation and declared it to be good. Then on day six the pattern changes. When you look at our text for today's study we see a bit of a pause in the story. A conversation is had in heaven. This is the first time in Scripture we clearly see a plurality in the God head. It is said "let US make man in Our image". Man was made to be the image bearer of God on this earth. God went even further in stating our purpose here. To have dominion over the earth and every creature here. Man did not just happen to wind up on top of the food chain. We were placed there by God. Our value towards humanity is based on this truth. We are to value each other and find connection with each other based on this truth. Our connection with each other is not based on the color of our skin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, financial status, or any of these empty ever changing statuses. Our connection and value of others is found in we are all created in the image of God. I understand that image was broken and marred by sin, but scripture doesn't remove this basic fundamental truth. Genesis 9:6 tells us this plainly. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." A full understanding of this settles the argument- is abortion wrong. Every child is created in the image of God and it is completely wrong to kill or damage that life. God values our life and design. I love to consider how we were created. God did not simply say let the ground bring forth man. In Genesis 2 we get a more complete telling of the forming of humanity. We are told when it came to man God himself came down and got hands on with us. We are the only creature this is said of. God took the time to come down and form us personally as He wanted us. If God saw us as important enough to be hands on, should we not see each other the same way? We should be hands on in caring for one another. We need to teach ourselves and our children to have this concern for our fellow man. We see further in our main text an answer for the latest argument. Humanity, as every other mammal, comes in two options. "Male and Female created He them". I honestly have a hard time understanding how this has become a point of discussion. Even with biblical truth removed and we see ourselves as nothing but smart apes. Apes come in two sexes and they don't change. Are there genetic mutations and problems? Yes, but they are extraordinarily rare. In this world a species exists to continue its self. Humanity, of late, is the only one that has seen fit to lose sight of this truth. That's just from the natural side. Scripture is plain that God only made two sexes. Please don't let this foundation be lost. This is where the loss of our creation becomes important. If we are evolved by chance it can be argued that this is next. I have seen of late some suggesting this line of thinking. Allowing evolution to become mainstream has brought us to this point. If we don't stop it here it will get worse. Our compass of truth has to be guided and centered on this common point of truth where we find out so much about ourselves and God. Humanity has tremendous value and we must defend this truth. We see so much about this just in our creation. We will see much more about this in His commandments, and calling on us as well. I do hope you are enjoying our study on these things and hope you will continue to study along with us. As Scripture tells us, be strong and courageous. Stand firm in His truth and He will stand with you. God bless you all is my prayer.
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