So far in our study we have established the necessity of a biblical world view. Understanding the importance of a God that created and rules the world can not be overstated. This world was created by the mind of God. It was established as He saw fit and He holds it in His control. I have no intention of discussing this again, but need us to have our mind in this place. Our love of God, understanding of God, and appreciation of His authority is based on this understanding. How we care for and view this world needs to be thru this lens. However, it doesn't stop with how we view nature and this universe as a whole. A proper biblical world view includes a proper biblical view of humanity. God was on purpose when it came to the creation of man, and we as His people MUST defend this truth.
Today there are many debates in main stream America and even Christianity that would be settled with a proper understanding of these things. We argue over the sanctity of life, gender fluidity, and many other honestly foolish things. The world wants badly to teach us things that are completely contrary to the word of God. However, we need to remember it didn't start at this point. When we allowed the foundation of who we are get hijacked by so called science it is a down hill run from there. As we discussed in our last study main stream understanding of humanity is that we are the result of chance and circumstance. We are nothing more than high mammals, or more directly a bunch of really smart and advanced apes. This removes all moral control and responsibility for the future. It leaves us up to be defined however and whenever it seems handy. The loss of this foundation has begun an avalanche that must be curbed. When we look at the creation of this world we can see His hand in all things in this universe. It was performed by the power of His voice, at His time, in His order, and by His control. Over and over it is said "let there be", and it was. God viewed His creation and declared it to be good. Then on day six the pattern changes. When you look at our text for today's study we see a bit of a pause in the story. A conversation is had in heaven. This is the first time in Scripture we clearly see a plurality in the God head. It is said "let US make man in Our image". Man was made to be the image bearer of God on this earth. God went even further in stating our purpose here. To have dominion over the earth and every creature here. Man did not just happen to wind up on top of the food chain. We were placed there by God. Our value towards humanity is based on this truth. We are to value each other and find connection with each other based on this truth. Our connection with each other is not based on the color of our skin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, financial status, or any of these empty ever changing statuses. Our connection and value of others is found in we are all created in the image of God. I understand that image was broken and marred by sin, but scripture doesn't remove this basic fundamental truth. Genesis 9:6 tells us this plainly. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." A full understanding of this settles the argument- is abortion wrong. Every child is created in the image of God and it is completely wrong to kill or damage that life. God values our life and design. I love to consider how we were created. God did not simply say let the ground bring forth man. In Genesis 2 we get a more complete telling of the forming of humanity. We are told when it came to man God himself came down and got hands on with us. We are the only creature this is said of. God took the time to come down and form us personally as He wanted us. If God saw us as important enough to be hands on, should we not see each other the same way? We should be hands on in caring for one another. We need to teach ourselves and our children to have this concern for our fellow man. We see further in our main text an answer for the latest argument. Humanity, as every other mammal, comes in two options. "Male and Female created He them". I honestly have a hard time understanding how this has become a point of discussion. Even with biblical truth removed and we see ourselves as nothing but smart apes. Apes come in two sexes and they don't change. Are there genetic mutations and problems? Yes, but they are extraordinarily rare. In this world a species exists to continue its self. Humanity, of late, is the only one that has seen fit to lose sight of this truth. That's just from the natural side. Scripture is plain that God only made two sexes. Please don't let this foundation be lost. This is where the loss of our creation becomes important. If we are evolved by chance it can be argued that this is next. I have seen of late some suggesting this line of thinking. Allowing evolution to become mainstream has brought us to this point. If we don't stop it here it will get worse. Our compass of truth has to be guided and centered on this common point of truth where we find out so much about ourselves and God. Humanity has tremendous value and we must defend this truth. We see so much about this just in our creation. We will see much more about this in His commandments, and calling on us as well. I do hope you are enjoying our study on these things and hope you will continue to study along with us. As Scripture tells us, be strong and courageous. Stand firm in His truth and He will stand with you. God bless you all is my prayer.
When we consider the most basic truths that form the foundation of our walk and life as a Christian, what do you consider? Possibly the basics of our salvation. The truth that Jesus came and lived the perfect life and died the substitutionary death for each of His children. Perhaps, you consider the 10 commandments. Or, perhaps, you consider the importance of the church. All of these things are points to consider, learn, teach, and defend. However, they are not the most fundamental of truths. In this list of things you consider, where does our creation fall? Tip top of the list, somewhere in the middle, or what does that have to do with it? One of the most destructive losses of truth has come from allowing the world to control our world view.
The world's most common view allows for too much, and I believe for selfish reasons. The world would have you to believe that the earth and it's universe were created by chance, time, and zero intelligent design. It all started from a miraculous chance- somewhere a ball of energy couldn't hold itself together and so somehow exploded into everything we see. Then in another miraculous wonder, somewhere, somehow, life began all on its own. Humanity itself is nothing more than a glorified mammal. Personally, I don't understand how anyone can believe this line of thinking. I do, however, believe I understand the reason behind accepting and/or pushing it. If this is true we owe nothing to no one for our shear existence. There is no rule of law outside of nature's survival of the fittest. We are indeed the supreme being simply because, by chance our ancestors evolved into the smart primate. We control our lives, morals, and view of all things. This mindset is seen clearly in so many people pushing the thoughts of "my view trumps all". This teaching has become mainstream and is very tempting to fall for because we want to feel right. I have seen many fall into this excuse for any lifestyle. This teaching is at the core of today's agnostic and atheist teachings, and we are losing our children to it at an alarming rate. We must get back to basic fundamental truths. We must stand for and teach the biblical world view. Some inside Christianity have tried to blur the lines in the name of science, so called. They try and teach a divinely guided evolution. They do not hold to the biblical truth taught in the book of Genesis. Scripture, and our proper world view starts off simple, "In the beginning God". Creation is not over millions of years. It is not a process of time and evolution. Genesis tells us plainly that this world and it's universe were created by an all powerful, all knowing, superior God. When you look at this universe and how intricate it is and how it keeps perfect time, that is from the mind of God. This world belongs to God. This universe belongs to God. It was created from nothing in six literal days. There is not a lost eon of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. There is nowhere in scripture that endorses that teaching. This teaching is important to our world view, and our view of salvation. I'll save the salvation points for another day, but trust me, it matters. Understanding God as the creator at His will, by His design, at His time brings God into this world. He is not just some supreme being over a world. He made this world as He saw it needing to be. He tells us in His word that He made it as it needed to be for us. He is in control because it is His. The world wants people to earn their respect and see them as deserving of following. How much more deserving can He be for creating and giving us everything? The abundance of food, environments, plant life, and experiences come not from chance, but by His design. God truly deserves our all because He has given us all. We must teach ourselves and our children to respect God for who He is. He is the creator. He is the ruler. He is in control and we must bend to follow Him and not the other way around. This is only the beginning of the teaching of the importance of creation. Next week I hope to show the importance of the creation and beginning of humanity. God bless you all, and God bless us in teaching these things.
Right now we look around the cultural reality we live in today and find no shortage of issues. A nation arguing over basic biology, all while screaming trust the science, arguing over weather the concepts of the mind trumps truth and reality, arguing over weather or not its right or wrong to kill babies in the name of women's rights, and the list can go on and on and on. We stand back and wonder how all this can be and join in the fight trying to over come these problems. However, this is like focusing on focusing on the pain in our back, and ignoring the cancer inside. All of these things are just symptoms of the true problem. We as a people have lost our compass. We have forgotten our directions and are largely as Christ put it, the blind leading the blind and all headed for the ditch. I would like to over the next few weeks look at some of these things. Consider what God would have us to do, and what we must do if we want this to change.
Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. This is largely how we live these days. We act as if authority exist but it is all according to me, myself, and I. There has got to be a standard! And, that standard can not be us. Standards do not change. Truth is truth and it does not change. Truth is not relative. Truth does not care about feelings, care, concerns, or yes buts. We all want a government, protection, and guidance, but when it doesn't agree with us we riot, protest, fight, and scream. Current circumstances change and everything we thought yesterday is out the window. We are all fickle and change our minds. This is why we can not be our own standards. We need something bigger than us. A compass only works because North never moves. How would we get around or find our way if the compass decided one day West is North? We all trust and follow google, and apple maps blindly because they are based on a standard. How effective would they be if every time we thought something was a different direction and it moved according to our thoughts? When you go to fill up your vehicle how would you like it if the station's owner decided for themselves how much fuel was in a gallon? Station X sold a gallon for 3.50 but you only got a cup and he called it a gallon. Would that work? Everything in our lives needs a standard. Funny how we don't get upset or argue against these little standards. We honor them and are glad they are here. However, the big ones we get angry over and want them to change all the time. Whether we like it or not life requires a standard! Let me tell you what is not our standard. I've already told you that you are not the standard. There are good people and good intended people in this world. They may be good role models, but not standards. I hope as a father, husband, and pastor that I am a good role model to others. However, I am not your standard. Public opinion is not the standard. Many want to turn to the majority as the standard. We used this excuse often as kids. "Everyone else is doing it", we would shout as if that excused our actions. The problem with public opinion is it made up of groups of us, and we are not the standard. Five years ago things that are accepted today by public opinion would have been mocked and shunned by the same public opinion. There is not a single person in government, on either side of the aisle, that has not spoken out of both sides of their mouth on something. Those that have spoken out against free border policy, same sex marriage, and abortion, now speak out against those that oppose the same things. Those that used to be for these things, now oppose the same. Those that last week couldn't tell us what a woman was, now scream about women's rights. Public opinion is tossed about to and fro with every change of the cultural wind. We are called on to not be this way. Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. The argument over sex, gender, and the such has found its strength in our willingness to have no standard. Right now it is popular to be a part of these things and that is why we are finding more and more of it daily. Public opinion is being influenced. We need a standard. Government is not the standard. It is chosen and put in power based on the wind of culture and is far too influenced by power hungry people. It changes all the time. We need a standard! We have been reminded as of late that Science and education are not the standard. Basic biology that has been accepted as truth for generations is now mocked and ridiculed. The basis of the founding of this country is under attack and is being changed as we speak. These thing sadly are affected by cultural winds as well, but they should not. That is not to say all of these things are negative and completely bad. God set up government and gave us the ability to communicate one with another so that we could influence and work with each other. However, they are not the standard. We have a standard. We have an unchanging, unyielding, unmovable standard. His name is God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has given us His word, and we are to honor it. God's rules and judgements have not changed from the beginning. He does not care and will not change according to your feelings about it. Jesus told us He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. There is not multiple choice on these things. Everything in our life is to move and yield according to Him and will not work the other way around. We don't like that because it means we have to listen and change. His truths are truth and will not change. It is this standard that I am going to use as we look at these things. We need to calibrate our cultural, religious, and personal compasses to this true North. The world has lost its direction and it is our fault because we have not taught this. We have forgotten to teach our children that you must yield to the standard. There is no compromise with God. We must teach our children this truth. We must as our proof text says, "set our affections". We have allowed ourselves and exampled to our children, and they are learning it, that money, fame, fun, prestige, toys, and self worth are the goal. We have followed these things away from His word. We have followed these things away from His church. We have followed these things away from Him. We have foolishly done this and we have taken our children with us. We can do better. We must yield to Him ourselves. We must do so in All things. We must teach our children to do so as well. They may stray and wonder from time to time, but if we teach them and show them. They will not depart them. Ever noticed as you get older how much like your parents you tend to be. We aren't carbon copies, but we find pieces of them in us all the time. That because we were trained up in them and we can't depart them. God help us to do better. God help me to do better. God bless you all as we study the standards that God has given us. |